About Helen Corban
Business Owner, Coach & Training Consultant - Reach Potential

Who is Helen Corban?

I've built 2 businesses since 1995. Rikai Associates worked with Kiwis moving into the Japanese business market. I learned a lot about what works, and what doesn't work, in that business. My second business over the last 26 years, in training and coaching, has taken me into many industries: engineering, manufacturing, sports, beauty, retail, financial, interior design, motorsport, and construction in both the corporate and SME space. Currently expanding my team, and collaborate professionally with Ripple Recruitment and work with an extensive network of quality providers.

To me, being a lifelong learner is one of the keys to a successful life, along with a growth mindset and positive attitude.  I come from a family who prioritised education, though when I initially went to university it was only because of the expectation. I ended up with a Bachelor of Arts in Education (and Psychology), which has been invaluable as I discovered early on that I love to teach, train, coach and mentor people.

My core values:

Integrity – being honest, sincere, living by my values

Authenticity – to be genuine, real, true to myself and others

Contribution – making a difference, giving, helping

Kindness – to be kind, compassionate, considerate, nurturing, caring

Expertise – to share my skills professionally

A photo of Helen Corban
Helen Corban at Japan Day

My time in Japan

My second love is Japan, having lived there for about 4.5 years in total. Japan represents a really special time in my life. I have friendships from my time there that span 36 years now. I still chat regularly with an ex-student to keep my language skills up. He is now in his 70’s.

I studied at AUT for 2 years as an adult student and completed an Advanced Diploma in Japanese. That study took the class to a ski resort in Japan for language study. We had a blast!

I also trained time management in Tokyo in the Japanese language over a 2-year period, which was an amazing journey. I had my second baby in the middle of that contract. She came to Japan with me on one trip. Her first ever flight at 4 months was in seat 1A in first class. I was so lucky, she was a dream baby!

My key strengths

Do you want to be strategic, organised, proactive and successful? My focus is on helping you to find solutions to grow your business, and maximise your time using proven tools and solid methods to make a positive change. We all need someone to champion us in our lives and my mission is to be that person, so that the journey is easier, more enjoyable and more successful.

I can quickly assess your immediate requirements

Offer a practical coaching service where you will be able to achieve your key objectives and become more proactive so you can focus on the big picture

Experienced in training and coaching many people at different stages of life and from all kinds of businesses and backgrounds

Passionate about helping people and making a difference – always enthusiastic and motivating, friendly and approachable

Want to get in touch?

Business is about moving forward, the challenges and the opportunities. Contact me for a conversation about your business, and how the coaching I offer can add enormous value to your life and business.